Her name is Ella Bully Cummins, and she is Detroit's first african american female police chief. a position that she has been widely known and well recognized. not only is she Detroit's Police Chief, Ms Cummins is an attorney as well. which gives her the inside scoop of what goes on inside of the court room as well as on the streets, of detroit. being a police chief is a big responsibility. I don;t know if I could take on such a job, even if I had the proper training for it. Ms cummins is another one of america's history makers. I am sure that even as I write this post about her, her family stands well proud of her. but the sad thing about being a successful african american. jealousy rages amongst us, and this is very sad. there is also alot of hatred and prejudice within the black community as well. and I think this where we need to educate our young people. as they grow up. I once sent chief cummins a letter written by a slave owner by the name of william lynch. back in the 1700s william lynch made a speech on the james river. about how blacks can be controlled and how blacks can be tricked into fighting amongst themselves. and as I went back to the history books I had a real sick feeling. I always wondered why african americans hated each other so much. the william lynch letter explained it all. chief cummins I am proud to see you as detroit's police chief. I think as you may have seen the william lynch letter, this may give you the ammunition you need to go into the schools and some of the run down neighborhoods in your city. and get to the young people. and talk to them. and of course maybe that is what you are doing now. and if so please continue to do so. there is enough hate in america, african americans don't need to hate each other.
this was william lynch's plan. and lo and behold it worked. I don;t know if this can be undone but we need to continue to talk to our young people and older people as well. i have discovered that cities that have a high population of african americans have the highest crime rates. and we can all thank william lynch for this tragedy.
however I have the utmost confidence in chief cummins, I am sure she will work hard to bring change in her city. I have visited detroit and there are still old reminders of the old race riots of the sixties. as I made my way through downtown detroit, I also noticed that alot of change has come about as well. detroit has come along way, but this city has along way to go. your dream to become a police woman came true chief cummins, and it even got you a promotion to police chief. continue to work with your communities everywhere. and continue to set the fine example for everyone. and even though the william lynch syndrome still lingers through our communities. we can fight it through education of our young people and older adults as well.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
another history maker in progress
I have discovered another history maker in progress, and as I begin to learn more about her I see that america is accepting african americans as leaders. her name is Anita J. Ponder and she could very well be on her way to a higher political post. and living in macon georgia. the south, where a great majority of african americans are. the south has always been in my opinion the hot seat for politics. all throughout the south, you will find that politics reign. the south is the biggest area in the united states for politics. but my support goes out to Ms Anita Ponder. and what ever avenue she chooses I will be there to support her agenda. and her cause. it is not easy being a politician these days. there is alot of things to deal with and to consider. african americans make hard choices everyday. when they get up each morning. and no matter what their status in life maybe there is always that one moment when a tough decision will have to be made. not all african american are good, not all african americans are heroes, not all african americans are accepting of one another, but good or bad right or wrong, we all have one thing in common when we take to the streets of america, we are all considered a suspect of some type. Anita J.Ponder I thank you for taking a bold stand to get involved with you city. to make a difference in your city. macon georgia will see massive improvements for years to come.
council member on the move
a special greeting to Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun
Greetings Ambassador Braun, as I send this greeting to you I send it to you as a token of good faith and good will. as a friend and as a fellow entrepreneur. I who have supported you for many years will always be at you side in spirit and in heart. I was deeply saddened to hear about you ordeal with an assailant. weak men, I call them. and only weak men will plan and plot to assault a woman of you calibre. a strong man would never even bring such an idea in his head. only weak men have criminal minds. I have dealt with weak men since child hood. while growing up in a poor and rough neighborhood. I always thought that it was the economy. but as I begin to grow older I soon began to realize that the economy may have played a role. but it wasn't the whole reason why most males could not do better for themselves. opportunity is out there for us. Ambassador Braun. all that we have to do is reach for it. reach for it. and grasp it, and use it. but weak men cannot think, weak men have no positive mind set. weak men think they are tough, but they are only little boys who were not brought up to handle responsibility. therefore they must prey on the hardworking and honest people of our society who was taught to do right. weak men are cowards. and that person who assaulted you was a coward. a low life good for nothing coward. he wanted to be a man so bad, he took all of the wrong angles. my advice to that person, be a man, learn to work for what you want in life. but like chicago, seattle is no different. we must reach children when they are young, and as they grow older they will not turn into the vicious criminals that lurk our streets today.
Iron pumping Rose
Her name is Rosemary,and she is a lady of high integrity. of high standards. who carries herself well. she is known in the sport of health and fitness. and although she does not always get the recognition that she deserves. she is a well endured and well rounded athlete of her time. she has competed for the Ms International title a few times that I know of. she has a website for all of us fans to visit. and as she welcomes our support. I am sure she will always be the main attraction at any sporting event in america. sometimes many women who enter the sport of bodybuilding don't stay in it very long. unless it's the career that they have chosen. I would guess that it's a future in it. many bodybuilders have landed jobs as physical education teachers in schools and colleges. so I guess that there is some future in all of that pumping and sweating. but as I send this message to my dear friend Rosemary. I want you to know that I will forever support you know matter what avenue you take. a friendship is forever, and forever I will always be your friend.
the letter for an Iron maiden
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Ye ole rock from yonder way
Oh' how I miss you ole rock from yonder way, you never told me your name. I would see you day to day, and I would sit at your lower half just to hear the ocean sing to our being placed astray. on the ocean you would sit alone and shallow. but I would see you in my meery day as I would pass you on my meery way. Oh how I miss you ole rock from yonder way. the ocean in its anger hath drifted you away. Oh how I miss you ole rock from yonder. tell me ole rock from yonder way, where are you sitting and where are you mitting on today. as the ocean rises up to covet the bay.
Ye ole rock from yonder way. I see the moon, I see the stars, I see the ocean, I see the birds fly over head, but Ye ole rock from yonder way, you are the one to make my day. Ye ole rock from yonder way.
Ye ole rock from yonder way. I see the moon, I see the stars, I see the ocean, I see the birds fly over head, but Ye ole rock from yonder way, you are the one to make my day. Ye ole rock from yonder way.
walking the hills of seattle
I have arrived on the west coast, and although life isnt' quite what is was back east. I have to honestly say that being in seattle has given me alittle more freedom than I had back in washington dc. I do seem to have more freedom out here. I can walk into a public Library without being searched. I can walk into a homeless shelter and not be searched. absolute freedom. as I walk the hills of seattle I keep thinking to myself. maybe americans are getting their constitutional rights back. and once you know who leaves office maybe our rights will be restored.
seattle was built on a hill. so I often wonder just how many hilly areas are there in seattle. as you read the stories of august mallory, think about my essays, think about my poems, think about my life. walking the hills of seattle, is no joke. walking the hills of seattle is treacherous. but this city lies right on elliott bay. this city lies near the pacific ocean. this city, what more can I say about this city. could I say that seattle is known for the rain. could I say that seattle is known for its ever changing climate. as I walk the hills of seattle I guess in many ways I am blessed to have the freedom to move from place to place without restaint. washington dc take note. allow america to have its freedom back.
seattle was built on a hill. so I often wonder just how many hilly areas are there in seattle. as you read the stories of august mallory, think about my essays, think about my poems, think about my life. walking the hills of seattle, is no joke. walking the hills of seattle is treacherous. but this city lies right on elliott bay. this city lies near the pacific ocean. this city, what more can I say about this city. could I say that seattle is known for the rain. could I say that seattle is known for its ever changing climate. as I walk the hills of seattle I guess in many ways I am blessed to have the freedom to move from place to place without restaint. washington dc take note. allow america to have its freedom back.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Still feeling the street sense vibe
As a former street sense vendor from washington dc. I still feel apart of the street sense family. when I said goodbye to street sense. it was very hard for me to do that. because for three long years I was the front runner for street sense. I am now with real change a newspaper in seattle washington. which is very much like street sense. with just a little more meat added on. I am also working with an organization called stone of help ministries. a christian organization dedicated to helping people from all backgrounds. I look at seattle and I look at washington Dc. honestly I don't see too much of a difference. except when the homeless check in for the night at a shelter. they are spared the headache of having their belongings searched. which in reality is a violation of their rights to privacy. and in Washington DC. the homeless are always the target for rights violations because they are homeless. and service providers need to be more accommadating while they are serving the homeless. and the homeless should learn to be alot less demanding. It was really a great thing to work for street sense. It gave me a true sense of pride. I will admit that It was not easy to sell street sense. alot of people would often put you down for selling street sense. but I didn't let that get me down. I just kept right on selling. thanks alot street sense. I owe you one.
August H Mallory
Real Change Newspaper
Stone of Help Ministries
August H Mallory
Real Change Newspaper
Stone of Help Ministries
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Marvin Hammerman the new adventures part 1
It is a very rainy and wet day in seattle washington as homeless men move about slowly from their dreary sleep to line up for breakfast at the union gospel mission in downtown seattle. all around them there are signs of poverty in the midst of the city. and as one individual person moves about his mind is on taking the life of somebody. he is desperate for a hit of crack cocaine. he needs money bad to buy some crack. and as he watches the crowd. he suddenly keeps his eye on one certain individual, he has no clue as to why he picked out this person. but he will assault this person as soon as he gets the chance. there are too many witnesses at this moment. so he will wait. and wait as long as it takes. the day grows on. as as the day grows on. this person seeks out his prey. he knows where this person sleeps at night. so there maybe a chance for his scheme to work. he prowls around downtown going from day center to day center, and soup kitchen to soup kitchen. waiting for the right moment to strike. and as the day wears on. Willie Leroy Jones a known crack addict is about committ the ultimate crime. having served six years in prison for auto theft, aggrevated assault and passing bad checks, jones has a new agenda in mind. strongarm robbery, he has to get high, his crack addiction is terribly overpowering and he has to have crack. he will even kill if he has too. John Walker a former construction worker, who lost his job due to his problem with alcohol, now living on the streets of seattle. Walker now gets disability due to a permanent leg in jury he recieved when he was ran over by a fifteen passenger van three years ago. Walker lives on the streets because his disability payments will not cover the full cost of a place to live. as the day turns to late night. John Walker will not go to the shelters, because of the many problems in shelters. but he also knows the streets are no safer but he takes his chances. as he heads down a busy street. and onward to his sleeping place.
a figure follows him, but at a long distance away. as John Walker appears somewhat intoxicated he almost loses his bearings on where he is going. suddenly another person calls over to him. as the two men talk, Willie Leroy Jones watches from a distance. suddenly the two men depart their ways. and John Walker is directed to his sleeping place. as John Walker nears his sleeping place he thinks he hears someone behind him. as John Walker turns around, Willie Leroy Jones ducks out of sight. John Walker continues on. he finally reaches his spot. and beds down to sleep. Willie Leroy Jones watches with much anticipation. as John Walker finally dozes off into a deep sleep, Willie Leroy Jones slowly and quietly approaches Walker and picks up a heavy object and with all the force possible strikes John Walker to head with at least several blows, with blood splattering everywhere. Jones now knows that John Walker is dead. Willie Leroy Jones goes through John Walkers pockets and pulls out well over eight hundred dollars in cash. Jones then rifles through John Walkers billfold and throws out Id cards and other stuff. Jones settles for the cash and takes off into the night. leaving John Walkers body for the buzzards.
End of part 1
a figure follows him, but at a long distance away. as John Walker appears somewhat intoxicated he almost loses his bearings on where he is going. suddenly another person calls over to him. as the two men talk, Willie Leroy Jones watches from a distance. suddenly the two men depart their ways. and John Walker is directed to his sleeping place. as John Walker nears his sleeping place he thinks he hears someone behind him. as John Walker turns around, Willie Leroy Jones ducks out of sight. John Walker continues on. he finally reaches his spot. and beds down to sleep. Willie Leroy Jones watches with much anticipation. as John Walker finally dozes off into a deep sleep, Willie Leroy Jones slowly and quietly approaches Walker and picks up a heavy object and with all the force possible strikes John Walker to head with at least several blows, with blood splattering everywhere. Jones now knows that John Walker is dead. Willie Leroy Jones goes through John Walkers pockets and pulls out well over eight hundred dollars in cash. Jones then rifles through John Walkers billfold and throws out Id cards and other stuff. Jones settles for the cash and takes off into the night. leaving John Walkers body for the buzzards.
End of part 1
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The dream that made me wonder
I often ask myself if the life that I am living is real. is this a dream. are the people real people. I would ponder and think of many things. where am I, I am here, and where is here. in the middle of a burning desert. or on a street corner, in a theatre watching a play. where is here. what time is it, where am now. I am here. where is here. could it be that I am asleep. but my eyes are wide open. confusing as it maybe. I am here. again where is here. in the kitchen cooking dinner. or in miami standing on the beach. yes I am here. where is here you ask. ahh" yes in alaska in the yukon. or down under in australia dancing with a boxing kangaroo. I am here. tell me where is here.
Washington DC the year 3520
I am traveling along a lonely road where only a few cars and trucks frequent and as I am listening to the radio, I become very drowsey after many hours on the road, I suddenly doze off into a deep sleep and with out notice the vehicle which I am traveling in suddenly crashes into a ravine. I lay in a prone position for several hours when there suddenly appears a few emergency units from the DC general Hospital. I am placed on a stretcher, and taken to the emergency room at DC general Hospital, I am too confused at this moment to worry about the vehicle that I was In. as the ambulance is in route. I suddenly come around in a daze I ask the EMS personnel where am I. they respond by saying washington DC. I pass out again. when I awaken I am ordered to awaken by a voice that I am not familiar with. Mr Mallory" the voice calls out. Mr Mallory' the voice calls out to me again. at this time I suddenly come out of sleepy daze. I respond by saying' yes I am August Mallory' very good sir' now that you are awake' now that I have your attention. maybe now I can get some answers. Mr Mallory you were pulled from a 2007 jeep wrangler, that vehicle has been made in the last sixty years. Mr Mallory where have you been Living? in a cave. plus there was a 2007 license plate attached to the vehicle. Mr Mallory are you aware of year this is. I respond by saying yes' it's the year 2007. and to tell me otherwise is a straightout joke, and this is some kind of a joke right Doctor, this is the year 3520 Mr Mallory. I suddenly let out a loud roar of laughter. 3520 HA, HA, HA, what are you saying? 3520 HA,HA, HA, this is the best joke that I have ever heard, Damn you Mallory, you dare laugh at me. be prepared to speak with our administrator.
later that day' I am greeted by the administrator. Hello Mr Mallory. I am Dr willkie, so tell me about your self. maybe you can tell me what's going on doctor. how is it that I am driving along a highway in the year 2007, suddenly I fall sleep behind the wheel and I wake up in the year 3520. I am not crazy. somebody is playing games with me. and I don't like it. Mr mallory, Mr Mallory, I understand how confusing it may seem to you. first you are in the year 2007 and suddenly you wake up in the the year 3520. very understandable Mr Mallory. after several days and hours I make a break for it. taking an ems as an escape vehicle. I am chased through fog and rain and the police are in pursuit of me. I lead authorities on a desperate chase through the city. I crash the ems vehicle and take off running. while on the run through busy streets and back alley ways. I am suddenly overcome with smoke ans pollution and I passout from fumes. when I awaken a DC police officer is standing over me in my vehicle. he helps me out of the jeep. I am back in the year 2007. after assuring them that all is well with me the police leave. I look around for a few moments trying to figure out if what happened did or was this only a dream.
later that day' I am greeted by the administrator. Hello Mr Mallory. I am Dr willkie, so tell me about your self. maybe you can tell me what's going on doctor. how is it that I am driving along a highway in the year 2007, suddenly I fall sleep behind the wheel and I wake up in the year 3520. I am not crazy. somebody is playing games with me. and I don't like it. Mr mallory, Mr Mallory, I understand how confusing it may seem to you. first you are in the year 2007 and suddenly you wake up in the the year 3520. very understandable Mr Mallory. after several days and hours I make a break for it. taking an ems as an escape vehicle. I am chased through fog and rain and the police are in pursuit of me. I lead authorities on a desperate chase through the city. I crash the ems vehicle and take off running. while on the run through busy streets and back alley ways. I am suddenly overcome with smoke ans pollution and I passout from fumes. when I awaken a DC police officer is standing over me in my vehicle. he helps me out of the jeep. I am back in the year 2007. after assuring them that all is well with me the police leave. I look around for a few moments trying to figure out if what happened did or was this only a dream.
a writer propelled to the future
Washington DC the year 3520
I am traveling along a lonely road where only a few cars and trucks frequent and as I am listening to the radio, I become very drowsey after many hours on the road, I suddenly doze off into a deep sleep and with out notice the vehicle which I am traveling in suddenly crashes into a ravine. I lay in a prone position for several hours when there suddenly appears a few emergency units from the DC general Hospital. I am placed on a stretcher, and taken to the emergency room at DC general Hospital, I am too confused at this moment to worry about the vehicle that I was In. as the ambulance is in route. I suddenly come around in a daze I ask the EMS personnel where am I. they respond by saying washington DC. I pass out again. when I awaken I am ordered to awaken by a voice that I am not familiar with. Mr Mallory" the voice calls out. Mr Mallory' the voice calls out to me again. at this time I suddenly come out of sleepy daze. I respond by saying' yes I am August Mallory' very good sir' now that you are awake' now that I have your attention. maybe now I can get some answers. Mr Mallory you were pulled from a 2007 jeep wrangler, that vehicle has been made in the last sixty years. Mr Mallory where have you been Living? in a cave. plus there was a 2007 license plate attached to the vehicle. Mr Mallory are you aware of year this is. I respond by saying yes' it's the year 2007. and to tell me otherwise is a straightout joke, and this is some kind of a joke right Doctor, this is the year 3520 Mr Mallory. I suddenly let out a loud roar of laughter. 3520 HA, HA, HA, what are you saying? 3520 HA,HA, HA, this is the best joke that I have ever heard, Damn you Mallory, you dare laugh at me. be prepared to speak with our administrator.
later that day' I am greeted by the administrator. Hello Mr Mallory. I am Dr willkie, so tell me about your self. maybe you can tell me what's going on doctor. how is it that I am driving along a highway in the year 2007, suddenly I fall sleep behind the wheel and I wake up in the year 3520. I am not crazy. somebody is playing games with me. and I don't like it. Mr mallory, Mr Mallory, I understand how confusing it may seem to you. first you are in the year 2007 and suddenly you wake up in the the year 3520. very understandable Mr Mallory. after several days and hours I make a break for it. taking an ems as an escape vehicle. I am chased through fog and rain and the police are in pursuit of me. I lead authorities on a desperate chase through the city. I crash the ems vehicle and take off running. while on the run through busy streets and back alley ways. I am suddenly overcome with smoke ans pollution and I passout from fumes. when I awaken a DC police officer is standing over me in my vehicle. he helps me out of the jeep. I am back in the year 2007. after assuring them that all is well with me the police leave. I look around for a few moments trying to figure out if what happened did or was this only a dream.
later that day' I am greeted by the administrator. Hello Mr Mallory. I am Dr willkie, so tell me about your self. maybe you can tell me what's going on doctor. how is it that I am driving along a highway in the year 2007, suddenly I fall sleep behind the wheel and I wake up in the year 3520. I am not crazy. somebody is playing games with me. and I don't like it. Mr mallory, Mr Mallory, I understand how confusing it may seem to you. first you are in the year 2007 and suddenly you wake up in the the year 3520. very understandable Mr Mallory. after several days and hours I make a break for it. taking an ems as an escape vehicle. I am chased through fog and rain and the police are in pursuit of me. I lead authorities on a desperate chase through the city. I crash the ems vehicle and take off running. while on the run through busy streets and back alley ways. I am suddenly overcome with smoke ans pollution and I passout from fumes. when I awaken a DC police officer is standing over me in my vehicle. he helps me out of the jeep. I am back in the year 2007. after assuring them that all is well with me the police leave. I look around for a few moments trying to figure out if what happened did or was this only a dream.
a writer propelled to the future
I hear the ocean sing
I hear the ocean sing as it sings your name, I hear it because I care for you so much, I hear it sing because i have known you so long. I hear the ocean sing, it sings a song of love, it sings a song of a man who loves only one woman. I hear the ocean sing. I ask you caramel, this is a song that the ocean is singing, can you hear the song. do you hear thta the ocean is bringing across to you. I hear the ocean sing. I hear the ocean sing to you. I hear the ocean sing to me. I hear the ocean sing to our being united as man and wife. you are my friend, you are my business associate, you are my most sought after love interest. I hear the ocean sing and the words that the ocean is saying is that I love you. can you hear the ocean's words, I hear the ocean sing. and it continues to send you my message. it continues to say that I do love you.
A poem to a girl named caramel
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I see you lady lorraine
I see you lady lorraine as I sell street sense on my corner, as you approach me with trustful calm. you are always smiling with a peace about you. I cannot explain it but you are always at peace with yourself. could this be that you have no fear of my situation or my condition in society. I have read your poems. i have seen your work. tell me lady lorraine where have thou gaineth such ability. as I once wrote my stories in street sense I told my life from the depths of my heart, I do thank you lady lorraine for your encouragement. for it was you who gaveth me the inner strength to continue on. at night as I went to my sleeping place I could still hear the voices and the crowds of passersby, I must reach deep down to the bottom of my soul to pull myself up from the murk and clay and claim my own personal victory"" for I rise lady lorraine, I rise, I rise to tell the world I will not be defeated, I rise to reveal muscular arms and shake them to the heavens and shout out that I will survive this day, and no one will bring me down. I see you lady lorraine I sense your confidence in me. for you I rise, I rise for you do believe in my struggle. I rise again, and again. the world knocks me down one day, but I rise again the next day, for people cannot figure out how and why I keep coming back, for I am not a quitter. and I rise. for fifty years I have continued to rise. I see you lady lorraine, you trust my faith, you trust my judgement, I see you lady lorraine and for you I rise'
The Insane Game in the political realm
In the city where politics are abound. Washington DC, is a place there is all sorts of attitudes and personalities. as one who was once involved in the homeless circle I saw many things including the insanity of so called normal people. I experienced the fear of the homeless. I saw the homeless mistreat one one another. I saw the rage and the constant hate towards one another. for the nations capitol, there are many things yet to be desired. having spent nine years in the nations capitol. I had witnessed many things. including threats made against me. this is part of the problem with mental illness of many of the homeless. many times they feel their habitat is being invaded. and so they react in a violent nature. but I have non homeless people react in a violent way on the road. road rage has been the biggest problem with people on the road in washington DC.
I often come to DC to take care of business, being the businessman that I am now. I have to deal with aloit of issues.
and it is not an easy thing to deal with when you are trying to keep peace with an extremely hostile Individual.
but in today's society everything is taken personally, attitudes are very constant amongst african americans, no matter how positive we try to be towards one another there is always that one Individual who will cop an attitude over nothing. a complete jackass I call them. at one time, there was unity within the african american community, it all fell apart when the bill of rights was signed and then the drugs started coming in to poor neighborhoods. ever since then the black community has gone straight to hell, but that's the way it is, and as this story defines the Insane game in the political realm
I often come to DC to take care of business, being the businessman that I am now. I have to deal with aloit of issues.
and it is not an easy thing to deal with when you are trying to keep peace with an extremely hostile Individual.
but in today's society everything is taken personally, attitudes are very constant amongst african americans, no matter how positive we try to be towards one another there is always that one Individual who will cop an attitude over nothing. a complete jackass I call them. at one time, there was unity within the african american community, it all fell apart when the bill of rights was signed and then the drugs started coming in to poor neighborhoods. ever since then the black community has gone straight to hell, but that's the way it is, and as this story defines the Insane game in the political realm
It is called the stone of help ministries
On one sunday I was invited to attend a worship service in a suburb of seattle washington, known as tukwila, as a writer and vendor for the newspaper real change, I was naturally curiious, so I rode along. to get a feel of what it would be like to find out how this church helps its homeless community. well I begin to make a couple of more trips to this church and found out that they were looking to atart a newsletter for their church. I was recruited to do stories and to my surprise one thing led to another. the ebenezer chuirch of god in christ has an extension known as the stone of help ministries that services the homeless. as a writer for real change I was quite thrilled when I was asked to be one of their writers. although this church has no experienced writers per say, I am happy that I was invited to work on this newsletter for the stone of help ministries. I am not just a writer and journalist but I am also a businessman. and with my business experience I can help stone of help ministries to improve their image. alot of the members are not sure how to make their nonprofit stand out. it is quite easy. business cards and address labels are a start. the Idea is to draw traffic to you. and with these two things you will not fail. but as I continue to work with the members at 14275 Interurban Ave South in tukwila, Washington I have found some comfort and satisfaction in helping them succeed in what they are trying to do. from a business prospective I can make things happen. and a writer's view I can make the public see what is needed to bring in new members.
I know a place called the Lazarus
In downtown seattle there is a place for the fifty year old and older. it is called the lazarus. who cann ot and will not act their agaes. there are many places around like the lazarus. all across the united states. and in washington Dc that was the worse place that I have ever seen in my life. but when you have grown men who act like little boys. the situation gets a bit intense to handle. but in the life of a homeless person this is the way life is. homeless people are very arrogant, very demanding, very selfish, very onary, sometimes very dumb and stupid if you will. they are quick to fight over some of the most silly things. and that's the way it is at the lazarus. but despite all of the childish acts by the clients the lazarus will serve a pretty decent meal, both breakfast and lunch are usually very well prepared. there are two wide screen TVs where clients can watch movies are network TV, but I can tell you do get tired of the TV show judging amy' I really do grow tired of that show. but the lazarus is nice and warm in the winter time. and cool in the summer. not a bad place, just alot of bad people from time to time.
walking In the shadows of the row part 2
As I continue my journey through the downtown are of seattle, I cannot help but notice the constant signs of drug use in this city. and amongst its homeless population. but it is not only the homeless that are addicted to drugs. the average everyday Individual can also be hooked on drugs. crack is the drug of choice for many. I see how this drug is destoying the lives of people everyday I see how violent people become when they either have been using or have not enough of using crack. people have committed suicide due to the overuse of crack. and how it will destroy one's mind. crack will make you committ crimes beyond measure. it will not only cause one to take their own life but crack will make you take another's life. that's just how powerful crack is. in the 1970s there was the vicious drug called heroine a drug that would hook you for life. many famous people got hooked on heroine, some survived it and some died from it. but best preventive measure from drug use is don't get involved with it at all. and on the streets of seattle. I see all sorts of drug use. it's sad but that's life in this society. people want to experiment and that is a dangerousn thing. especially when you will wind up on the streets or wind up in the graveyard, I ask you is this really worth all of this. think about it.
Walking the bowery line
In this new era of homelessness I now see a new breed of the homeless. it now the crack addicts and the ex-felons now who make up the nations homeless population now. I now see more mental illness on the streets of america now than ever before. frustation constantly building up and the tendency to conflict to another individual is more prevelent now than ever before. long eextended stays on the streets will cause this. I have seen many people snap in a moments notice.
after months and months of constance abuse of drugs and alcohol, I have seen the demon come out in people. more recently in downtown seattle I heard the news of a stabbing in the downtown area, just one week before that there was a mentally ill homeless man pouring gasoline on people and setting them on fire. severe and chronic homelessness is a major problem in america. but our government is very reluctant to take any action on the matter except place a person in custody. in the old days there was just your average alcoholic on the streets. the wino they once called them. in the large cities downtown the streets would be flooded with liquor bottles everywhere. but nowadays its the drug user and they are more vicious and more dangerous than any alcoholic could ever be. walking the bowery line. its not what it once was.
after months and months of constance abuse of drugs and alcohol, I have seen the demon come out in people. more recently in downtown seattle I heard the news of a stabbing in the downtown area, just one week before that there was a mentally ill homeless man pouring gasoline on people and setting them on fire. severe and chronic homelessness is a major problem in america. but our government is very reluctant to take any action on the matter except place a person in custody. in the old days there was just your average alcoholic on the streets. the wino they once called them. in the large cities downtown the streets would be flooded with liquor bottles everywhere. but nowadays its the drug user and they are more vicious and more dangerous than any alcoholic could ever be. walking the bowery line. its not what it once was.
Friday, February 16, 2007
chasing a pigeon on a wire
It is a dreary day, a messy day, an ugly day but as this is about to unfold I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. as the rain beats me down while enroute to work. as the bus splashes water on my clean fresh clothes. it that moment when I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when the hallway is full and I as i grow angry and mad. I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. as the boss begins to yell and scream about work not being done on time. I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. as lunchtime rolls around and a co-worker spills juice on my pants. I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when the noise level reaches three hundred decibles I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when I forget my girlfriends gift and she kicks me out of her house and demands that I not return until I have her gift. I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when I am at supermarket and the clerk throws the items in a paper bag and then the bag tears on me, I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when I am watching my TV and the tube explodes I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when I go to bed and the whole bed breaks down. I am chasing a pigeon on a wire. when I wake up the next day and the nightmare begins again I am chasing a pigeon on a wire.
In the middle of a skidrow scuffle
As I make my way through downtownn seattle. I see homeless men shuffle along very slowly to weeving and bobbing against the violent winds. they bow in reluctance to keep from falling and staggering against the powerful forces of the harsh pacific winds. standing in the middle of a skidrow scuffle. as men look about to find to warmth and safety they suddenly discover there is no safe place for shelter. In the middle of a skidrow scuffle. powerful winds and heavy rains. these men cry out in vain. tired, wet, hungry, and cold, just alittle rest, alittle food, a place of shelter from the vicious storm. just a few moments I see these men in middle of a skidrow scuffle.
I see you talking but but do you hear me.
I see you talking but do you hear me. as I stand on that cold and chilly corner selling real change I see you talking but do you hear me. as come my way way I see you talking but do you hear me. I call out real change in repeated cadence. but you hear me. I see you talking but do you hear me. on your cellphone or with a friend, I see you talking but do you hear me. as you stand near me talking to a friend, only within ear shot of me. I see you talking but do you hear me. as I say real change, real change help the homeless, I see you talking but do you hear me. as you pass me by you look in confusion as to what I am doing. I see you talking but do you hear me. as you passby beggars you will drop a coin or maybe a dollar but will passby me as to not even notice me. are you afraid. what are you afraid of. I hear you talking, but do you hear me. as I say agin in my expert cadence. real change, real change help the homeless. I see you talking but do you hear me. in pouring rain, in blistering wind, in deep freezing snow, in unbearable heat I call out again real change, real change, help the homeless. I see you talking but do you hear me.
I saw a man sleeping on a bench
It early morning and I saw a man sleeping soundly on a bench one day. as I passed he made no move but snored very loudly on his back. I saw a man sleeping on a bench one day. he was wearing ragged and tattered clothing with a blanket wrapped halfway around him. he was sleeping soundly as the chilly wind passed around him. I saw a man sleeping on a bench one day. as I watched him sleep he made no move nor even a toss or a turn. I watched this man sleep for a very long time. I see you man on the bench, and as you sleep what do you feel. how dob you feel. what is your next move. to a shelter or to the street. when the soup truck arrives, what will you eat. I saw a man sleeping on a bench one day. he was tired, weather beaten and old. his hair was as white as snow, his shoes were ragged, torn and rundown. I saw a man sleeping on a bench on day. with his belongs by his side, sleeping very loudly to known passersby. I saw a man sleeping on a bench one day. will he wake. will he shake off his chilly effects, where will he go as I have seen him walk so slow. I saw a man sleeping on a bench one day.
In the presence of the mentally ill
As one who has been amongst the the homeless for many, many years. I still find that very often mental illness starts after the person becomes homeless. I have seen many cases of severe mental illness. while in washington DC. I almost fell victim of a homeless person's attack. luckily something triggered his mind and he turned away from and ran screaming after an imaginary being. In Los Angeles mental illness ranks very high well over 300% percent of the homeless in LA are mentally ill.as on e who has seen poverty growing up in Indiana. I can tell you for sure that the high rise in unemployment, the lack of affordable housing, domestic violence, poor and rundown neighborhoods, all play a certain role in the plight of homelessness and poverty. so how does homelessness start. it starts with a series of events that goes on in a person's life. maybe with the loss of a job, then the bills start piling up then the loss of a car being taken back by the dealer. then the mortgage payments go unpaid and so and so forth until the person suddenly winds up in the street. and after along time on the streets a severe case of stress and frustration overcomes a person and then severe anger and sudden out burst of rage until that person has completely snapped to the point of no return.
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